commit 21f8105d269f526ff2c46f503d47f084567f5f84 Author: CI Date: Thu May 23 20:26:03 2024 +0000 gen pages diff --git a/.domains b/.domains new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4d853a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.domains @@ -0,0 +1 @@ diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07aedfc --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +404 Page not found · Capucine +
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t,n=[],r=0,i=0;if(a=!le.sortStable,o=!le.sortStable&&,0),,l),a){while(t=e[i++])t===e[i]&&(r=n.push(i));while(r--),n[r],1)}return o=null,e},ce.fn.uniqueSort=function(){return this.pushStack(ce.uniqueSort(ae.apply(this)))},(x=ce.expr={cacheLength:50,createPseudo:B,match:N,attrHandle:{},find:{},relative:{">":{dir:"parentNode",first:!0}," ":{dir:"parentNode"},"+":{dir:"previousSibling",first:!0},"~":{dir:"previousSibling"}},preFilter:{ATTR:function(e){return e[1]=e[1].replace(H,q),e[3]=(e[3]||e[4]||e[5]||"").replace(H,q),"~="===e[2]&&(e[3]=" "+e[3]+" "),e.slice(0,4)},CHILD:function(e){return e[1]=e[1].toLowerCase(),"nth"===e[1].slice(0,3)?(e[3]||I.error(e[0]),e[4]=+(e[4]?e[5]+(e[6]||1):2*("even"===e[3]||"odd"===e[3])),e[5]=+(e[7]+e[8]||"odd"===e[3])):e[3]&&I.error(e[0]),e},PSEUDO:function(e){var t,n=!e[6]&&e[2];return 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r,i,o=[S,f];if(n){while(e=e[s])if((1===e.nodeType||c)&&a(e,t,n))return!0}else while(e=e[s])if(1===e.nodeType||c)if(i=e[k]||(e[k]={}),u&&fe(e,u))e=e[s]||e;else{if((r=i[l])&&r[0]===S&&r[1]===f)return o[2]=r[2];if((i[l]=o)[2]=a(e,t,n))return!0}return!1}}function J(i){return 1<i.length?function(e,t,n){var r=i.length;while(r--)if(!i[r](e,t,n))return!1;return!0}:i[0]}function Z(e,t,n,r,i){for(var o,a=[],s=0,u=e.length,l=null!=t;s<u;s++)(o=e[s])&&(n&&!n(o,r,i)||(a.push(o),l&&t.push(s)));return a}function ee(p,h,g,v,y,e){return v&&!v[k]&&(v=ee(v)),y&&!y[k]&&(y=ee(y,e)),B(function(e,t,n,r){var i,o,a,s,u=[],l=[],c=t.length,f=e||function(e,t,n){for(var r=0,i=t.length;r<i;r++)I(e,t[r],n);return n}(h||"*",n.nodeType?[n]:n,[]),d=!p||!e&&h?f:Z(f,u,p,n,r);if(g?g(d,s=y||(e?p:c||v)?[]:t,n,r):s=d,v){i=Z(s,l),v(i,[],n,r),o=i.length;while(o--)(a=i[o])&&(s[l[o]]=!(d[l[o]]=a))}if(e){if(y||p){if(y){i=[],o=s.length;while(o--)(a=s[o])&&i.push(d[o]=a);y(null,s=[],i,r)}o=s.length;while(o--)(a=s[o])&&-1<(i=y?,a):u[o])&&(e[i]=!(t[i]=a))}}else s=Z(s===t?s.splice(c,s.length):s),y?y(null,t,s,r):E.apply(t,s)})}function te(e){for(var i,t,n,r=e.length,o=x.relative[e[0].type],a=o||x.relative[" "],s=o?1:0,u=K(function(e){return e===i},a,!0),l=K(function(e){return-1<,e)},a,!0),c=[function(e,t,n){var r=!o&&(n||t!=w)||((i=t).nodeType?u(e,t,n):l(e,t,n));return i=null,r}];s<r;s++)if(t=x.relative[e[s].type])c=[K(J(c),t)];else{if((t=x.filter[e[s].type].apply(null,e[s].matches))[k]){for(n=++s;n<r;n++)if(x.relative[e[n].type])break;return ee(1<s&&J(c),1<s&&G(e.slice(0,s-1).concat({value:" "===e[s-2].type?"*":""})).replace(ve,"$1"),t,s<n&&te(e.slice(s,n)),n<r&&te(e=e.slice(n)),n<r&&G(e))}c.push(t)}return 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Nous sommes en 2024, il est 22h 13 et demain on va faire du bateau ^^:O

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MACARENAA HAHA avec des lunettes de soleil^^

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© Capucine Mineau, tout droits réservés

Propulsé par Hugo & Blowfish

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/series/index.xml b/series/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a88c3c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/series/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Series on Capucine content in Series on CapucineHugo -- gohugo.iofr© Capucine Mineau, tout droits rĂ©servĂ©s \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/site.webmanifest b/site.webmanifest new file mode 100644 index 0000000..45dc8a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/site.webmanifest @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +{"name":"","short_name":"","icons":[{"src":"/android-chrome-192x192.png","sizes":"192x192","type":"image/png"},{"src":"/android-chrome-512x512.png","sizes":"512x512","type":"image/png"}],"theme_color":"#ffffff","background_color":"#ffffff","display":"standalone"} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sitemap.xml b/sitemap.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..148f7c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/sitemap.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tags/index.html b/tags/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..65e3d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/tags/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +Tags · Capucine +


© Capucine Mineau, tout droits réservés

Propulsé par Hugo & Blowfish

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tags/index.xml b/tags/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b8c3c4a --- /dev/null +++ b/tags/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Tags on Capucine content in Tags on CapucineHugo -- gohugo.iofr© Capucine Mineau, tout droits réservés \ No newline at end of file