# The Beguiler Module Module for the Beguiler class in foundry. ## License The Beguiler class is described at https://a-dungeon-world.fandom.com/wiki/The_Beguiler apparently under CC-BY-SA. However I doubt they are the copyright owner of this class, so CC-BY-SA may not be compatible with the actual license if any. ## Meh because javascrip, packs data is not stored as json but as nedb files. Thankfully, we can avoid using an unmaintained javascript tool by using `jq`: ``` cat hbw-classe.json | jq -c > hbw-classe.db ``` ## TODO - Add class description - Add translation - Open issue to allow multiple compendiumPrefix in dungeonworld system ## Docs - https://gitlab.com/asacolips-projects/foundry-mods/dungeonworld/-/tree/master/ - https://gitlab.com/mangofeet/homebrew-world-module/-/tree/main/ - https://a-dungeon-world.fandom.com/wiki/The_Beguiler - https://hackmd.io/@akrigline/ByHFgUZ6u/%2FTi7X9dG_TcexHNw3SVsDKQ